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How the vocabulary size is estimated?
The most accurate way to count someone's vocabulary would be to go through all words in the dictionary and count how many you knew. Instead, we check every N word in 2 steps which allows us to define it with about 20% margin of error. There are lots of factors that go into measuring someone's vocabulary size — for example, do you count "simple" and "simply" as two words or just one? We take a conservative approach and count the number of headwords (not derived words) which you are estimated to know in a standard dictionary.
The test provides an estimate of your actual vocabulary size. It certainly cannot be taken as a precise tool to measure a vocabulary size.
How to share to Climb?
Climb allows to easily add new words to your library. Here is a video demo: how to Share to Climb.
Climb allows to easily add new words to your library. Here is a video demo for iOS 12 and iOS 13/14.
I read in iBooks, how do I share from it to Climb?
Sharing from iBooks works normally only with extensions that were provided by Apple. Nevertheless, we found a sneaky way to make this work. Here is a video demo: how to Share to Climb from iBooks.
I use Kindle on my iPhone, how do I share from it to Climb?
Kindle has a custom share dialog. While it provides useful information, it also makes it tricky to share to Climb. Here is a video demo: how to Share to Climb from Kindle.
How to set notifications at a specific time?
Our notification reminders are dynamic. For example, if you tap on a reminder at 4:00 PM, then next day it will be sent at 4:00 PM instead of the usual time. We know this might be inconvenient, so we’re planning to allow to specifically set the time in settings.
How to turn off sound during the quiz or games?
If you want to turn it off sounds permanently, simply go to “Profile” -> “Settings” -> “Sound effect”. Additionally, automatic pronunciation can be turned off in “Profile” -> “Settings” -> “Phonetics”.
Change language
Currently, Climb supports only English learning. More languages will be added soon, please submit this form to help us prioritize
Export lists
To export any of your lists, simple tap "Edit" icon and copy all words.
Something doesn't work
We're sorry about that. Please email us at and we'll do our best to resolve your issue.
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